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Impute Incomplete Finite Filters


impute_last_obs(x, n, nperiod = 1, backward = TRUE, forward = TRUE)



a finite_filters() object.


integer specifying the number of imputed periods. By default all the missing moving averages are imputed.


integer specifying how to imput missing date. nperiod = 1 means imputation using last filtered data (1 period backward), nperiod = 12 with monthly data means imputation using last year filtered data, etc.

backward, forward

boolean indicating if the imputation should be done backward (on left filters), forward (on right filters).


When combining finite filters and a moving average, the first and/or the last points cannot be computed.

For example, using the M2X12 moving average, that is to say the symmetric moving average with coefficients $$ \theta = \frac{1}{24}B^{6} + \frac{1}{12}B^{5}+\dots+\frac{1}{12}B^{-5}+\frac{1}{24}B^{-6}, $$ the first and last 6 points cannot be computed.

impute_last_obs() allows to impute the first/last points using the nperiod previous filtered data. With nperiod = 1, the last filtered data is used for the imputation, with nperiod = 12 and monthly data, the last year filtered data is used for the imputation, etc.


y <- window(retailsa$AllOtherGenMerchandiseStores, start = 2008)
M3 <- moving_average(rep(1/3, 3), lags = -1)
M3X3 <- M3 * M3
M2X12 <- (simple_ma(12, -6) + simple_ma(12, -5)) / 2
composite_ma <- M3X3 * M2X12
# The last 6 points cannot be computed
#> [1] "0.0046 B^8 + 0.0185 B^7 + 0.0417 B^6 + 0.0648 B^5 + 0.0787 B^4 + 0.0833 B^3 + 0.0833 B^2 + 0.0833 B + 0.0833 + 0.0833 F + 0.0833 F^2 + 0.0833 F^3 + 0.0787 F^4 + 0.0648 F^5 + 0.0417 F^6 + 0.0185 F^7 + 0.0046 F^8"
composite_ma * y
#>           Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      Jun      Jul      Aug
#> 2008       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA
#> 2009 3874.468 3887.489 3906.257 3930.825 3959.576 3991.101 4025.292 4062.564
#> 2010 4253.845 4289.213 4322.790 4353.753       NA       NA       NA       NA
#>           Sep      Oct      Nov      Dec
#> 2008 3835.187 3845.520 3855.656 3864.796
#> 2009 4102.100 4142.065 4180.559 4217.600
#> 2010       NA       NA       NA       NA
# they can be computed using the last filtered data
# e.g. to impute the first 3 missing months with last period:
impute_last_obs(composite_ma, n = 3, nperiod = 1) * y
#>           Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      Jun      Jul      Aug
#> 2008       NA       NA       NA       NA       NA 3835.187 3835.187 3835.187
#> 2009 3874.468 3887.489 3906.257 3930.825 3959.576 3991.101 4025.292 4062.564
#> 2010 4253.845 4289.213 4322.790 4353.753 4353.753 4353.753 4353.753       NA
#>           Sep      Oct      Nov      Dec
#> 2008 3835.187 3845.520 3855.656 3864.796
#> 2009 4102.100 4142.065 4180.559 4217.600
#> 2010       NA       NA       NA       NA
# or using the filtered data of the same month in previous year
impute_last_obs(composite_ma, n = 6, nperiod = 12) * y
#>           Jan      Feb      Mar      Apr      May      Jun      Jul      Aug
#> 2008       NA       NA 3906.257 3930.825 3959.576 3991.101 4025.292 4062.564
#> 2009 3874.468 3887.489 3906.257 3930.825 3959.576 3991.101 4025.292 4062.564
#> 2010 4253.845 4289.213 4322.790 4353.753 3959.576 3991.101 4025.292 4062.564
#>           Sep      Oct      Nov      Dec
#> 2008 3835.187 3845.520 3855.656 3864.796
#> 2009 4102.100 4142.065 4180.559 4217.600
#> 2010 4102.100 4142.065       NA       NA