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Create Dynamic Factor Model


  var_init = c("Unconditional", "Zero"),
  var_coefficients = NULL,
  var_errors_variance = NULL,
  measurement_coefficients = NULL,
  measurement_errors_variance = NULL



Integer. Number of factors.


Integer. Number of lags in VAR equations.


Character vector. Respecting the order of the series in the input data, you must refer here the link between the (transformed) series and the factors. Three options are possible:

  • "M": Variables expressed in terms of monthly growth rates can be linked to a factor representing the underlying monthly growth rate of the economy if "M" is selected

  • "Q": Monthly or quarterly variables that are correlated with the the underlying quarterly growth rate of the economy can be linked to a weighted average of the factors representing the underlying monthly growth rate of the economy. Such a weighted average is meant to represent quarterly growth rates, and it is implemented by selecting "Q"

  • "YoY": The variables can also be linked to the cumulative sum of the last 12 monthly factors. If the model is designed in such a way that the monthly factors represent monthly growth rates, the resulting cumulative sum boils down to the year-on-year growth rate. Thus, variables expressed in terms of year-on-year growth rates or surveys that are correlated with the year-on-year growth rates of the reference series should be linked to the factors using "YoY".


Boolean matrix. It represents the factor loading structure. The dimension of the matrix should be 'number of series' x 'number of factors'. For each row representing each series, the user must mention whether the corresponding factor loads on this series.


Character. The first unobserved factors values in the sample is assumed to be either equal to zero or consistent with a normal distribution with mean zero and a variance corresponding to the unconditional variance of the VAR. The latter is the default.


Matrix. The default is NULL meaning that the VAR coefficients will be estimated from scratch. Alternatively, a matrix of pre-defined values can be passed in. Those would come typically from a previous model estimate and will serve as a starting point for the estimation step. The format of the matrix should be the same as the one produced by default by the create_model() function while keeping the `var_coefficients` argument to its default value NULL.


Matrix. The default is NULL meaning that the VAR errors variance will be estimated from scratch. Alternatively, a matrix of pre-defined values can be passed in. Those would come typically from a previous model estimate and will serve as a starting point for the estimation step. The format of the matrix should be the same as the one produced by default by the create_model() function while keeping the `var_errors_variance` argument to its default value NULL.


Matrix. The default is NULL meaning that the measurement coefficients will be estimated from scratch. Alternatively, a matrix of pre-defined values can be passed in. Those would come typically from a previous model estimate and will serve as a starting point for the estimation step. The format of the matrix should be the same as the one produced by default by the create_model() function while keeping the `measurement_coefficients` argument to its default value NULL.


Numeric vector. The default is NULL meaning that the measurement errors variance will be estimated from scratch. Alternatively, a vector of pre-defined values can be passed in. Those would come typically from a previous model estimate and will serve as a starting point for the estimation step. The format of the vector should be the same as the one produced by default by the create_model() function while keeping the `measurement_errors_variance` argument to its default value NULL.


an object of class 'JD3_DfmModel'


# From scratch
dfm1 <- create_model(nfactors=2,
                     factors_type = c("M", "M", "YoY", "M", "Q"),
                     factors_loading = matrix(data=TRUE, 5, 2),
                     var_init = "Unconditional")

# From a previous estimate
data<-ts(matrix(rnorm(500), 100, 5), frequency = 12, start = c(2010,1))
est1<-estimate_em(dfm1, data)

dfm2 <- create_model(nfactors=2,
                     factors_type = c("M", "M", "YoY", "M", "Q"),
                     factors_loading = matrix(data=TRUE, 5, 2),
                     var_init = "Unconditional",
                     var_coefficients = est1$dfm$var_coefficients,
                     var_errors_variance = est1$dfm$var_errors_variance,
                     measurement_coefficients = est1$dfm$measurement_coefficients,
                     measurement_errors_variance = est1$dfm$measurement_errors_variance)
#est2<-estimate_em(dfm2, data)