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Function to perform a range-mean regression, trimmed to avoid outlier distortion. The slope is used in TRAMO to select whether the original series will be transformed into log or maintain in level.


rangemean_tstat(data, period = 0, groupsize = 0, trim = 0)



data to test.


periodicity of the data.


number of observations per group (before being trimmed). The default group size (groupsize = 0) is computed as followed:

  • if period = 12 or period = 6, it is equal to 12;

  • if period = 4 it is equal to 12 if the data has at least 166 observations, 8 otherwise;

  • if period = 3 or period = 2 it is equal to 12 if the data has at least 166 observations, 6 otherwise;

  • if period = 1 it is equal to 9 if the data has at least 166 observations, 5 otherwise;

  • it is equal to period otherwise.


number of trimmed observations.


T-Stat of the slope of the range-mean regression.


First, the data is divided into \(n\) groups of successive observations of length \(l\) (groupsize). That is, the first group is formed with the first \(l\) observations, the second group is formed with observations \(1+l\) to \(2l\), etc. Then, for each group \(i\), the observations are sorted and the trim smallest and largest observations are rejected (to avoid outlier distortion). With the other observations, the range (noted \(y_i\)) and mean (noted \(m_i\)) are computed.

Finally, the following regression is performed : $$ y_t = \alpha + \beta m_t + u_t. $$ The function rangemean_tstat returns the T-statistic associated to \(\beta\). If it is significantly higher than 0, log transformation is recommended.


y = ABS$X0.2.09.10.M
# Multiplicative pattern

period = 12
rm_t = rangemean_tstat(y, period = period, groupsize = period)
rm_t # higher than 0
#> [1] 32.41607
# Can be tested:
pt(rm_t, period - 2, lower.tail = FALSE)
#> [1] 9.196296e-12
# Or :
1-cdf_t(period-2, rm_t)
#> [1] 9.19631e-12

# Close to 0
rm_t_log = rangemean_tstat(log(y), period = period, groupsize = period)
#> [1] 0.5946804
pt(rm_t_log, period - 2, lower.tail = FALSE)
#> [1] 0.2826345