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Compute revisions history


  data_ids = NULL,
  ts_ids = NULL,
  cmp_ids = NULL,
  context = NULL



The time series used for the estimation.


The specification used.


A list of list to specify the statistics to export. Each sub-list must contain two elements: start (first date to compute the history, in the format "YYYY-MM-DD") and id (the name of the statistics, see tramoseats_dictionary()). See example.


A list of list to specify the specific date of a component whose history is to be studied. Each sub-list must contain three elements: start (first date to compute the history, in the format "YYYY-MM-DD"), period (the date of the studied) and id (the name of the component, see tramoseats_dictionary()). See example.


A list of list to specify the component whose history is to be studied. Each sub-list must contain three elements: start (first date to compute the history, in the format "YYYY-MM-DD"), end (last date to compute the history, in the format "YYYY-MM-DD") and id (the name of the component, see tramoseats_dictionary()). As many series as periods between start and end will be exported. See example.


The context of the specification.


s <- rjd3toolkit::ABS$X0.2.09.10.M
sa_mod <- tramoseats(s)
data_ids <- list(
  # Get the coefficient of the trading-day coefficient from 2005-jan
  list(start = "2005-01-01", id = ""),
  # Get the ljung-box statistics on residuals from 2010-jan
  list(start = "2010-01-01", id = ""))
ts_ids <- list(
  # Get the SA component estimates of 2010-jan from 2010-jan
  list(period = "2010-01-01", start = "2010-01-01", id = "sa"),
  # Get the irregular component estimates of 2010-jan from 2015-jan
  list(period = "2010-01-01", start = "2015-01-01", id = "i"))
cmp_ids <- list(
  # Get the SA component estimates (full time series) 2010-jan to 2020-jan
  list(start = "2010-01-01", end = "2020-01-01", id = "sa"),
  # Get the trend component estimates (full time series)  2010-jan to 2020-jan
  list(start = "2010-01-01", end = "2020-01-01", id = "t"))
rh <- tramoseats_revisions(s, sa_mod$result_spec, data_ids, ts_ids, cmp_ids)