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Check existing JD+ object


check_information(jws, idx_sap = NULL, idx_sai = NULL)



workspace object


index (or indices) of the SA-Processing (s) to check


index (or indices) of the SA-Item(s) to check.


This function returns either a boolean (TRUE) if the SAI and the SAP exist in the WS, or an error specifying the not found object.


If the object idx_sai is NULL then the function will only check if the workspace contains a SA-Processing at the index idx_sap. If the object idx_sap is NULL then the function will check if every SA-Processing of the workspace contains a SA-Item at the index idx_sai. If the object idx_sap is NULL and idx_sai is NULL then the function won't do any check.

If the object idx_sap and / or idx_sai have a length > 1 then the checks are iterated over all the indices.


# ws <- .jws_open(file = "ws_production.xml")
# # Check if the SA-Item 3 in the SA-Processing 1 exists
# check_information(jws = ws, idx_sap = 1, idx_sai = 3)

# # Check if the SA-Items 1, 2 and 5 in the SA-Processing 1 exist
# check_information(jws = ws, idx_sap = 1, idx_sai = c(1, 2, 5))