Set of functions to create default specification objects associated with the X-13ARIMA seasonal adjustment method.
Specification setting of sheer X-11 decomposition method (without reg-arima
pre-adjustment) is supported by the x11_spec()
function only and doesn't
appear among the possible X13-Arima default specifications.
Specification setting can be restricted to the reg-arima part with the
function, without argument regarima_spec()
yields a RG5c
When setting a complete X13-Arima spec, x13_spec()
without argument yields
a RSA5c specification.
an object of class "JD3_X13_SPEC"
) or
The available predefined 'JDemetra+' model specifications are described in the table below:
Identifier | | Log/level detection | | Outliers detection | | Calendar effects | | ARIMA | RSA0/RG0 | | NA | |
NA | | NA | | Airline(+mean) | RSA1/RG1 | | automatic | | AO/LS/TC | | NA | |
Airline(+mean) | RSA2c/RG2c | | automatic | | AO/LS/TC | | 2 td vars + Easter | | Airline(+mean) | RSA3/RG3 | |
automatic | | AO/LS/TC | | NA | | automatic | RSA4c/RG4c | | automatic | | AO/LS/TC | |
2 td vars + Easter | | automatic | RSA5c/RG5c | | automatic | | AO/LS/TC | | 7 td vars + Easter | | automatic |
See also
To set the pre-processing parameters:
.To set the decomposition parameters:
.To set the benchmarking parameters: