Perform an X-11 like decomposition with any (non integer) periodicity.
mul = TRUE,
trend.horizon = 6,
trend.degree = 2,
trend.kernel = c("Henderson", "BiWeight", "TriWeight", "TriCube", "Uniform",
"Triangular", "Epanechnikov", "Trapezoidal"),
trend.asymmetric = c("CutAndNormalize", "Direct", "MMSRE"),
seas.s0 = c("S3X3", "S3X1", "S3X5", "S3X9", "S3X15"),
seas.s1 = c("S3X5", "S3X3", "S3X1", "S3X9", "S3X15"),
extreme.lsig = 1.5,
extreme.usig = 2.5
input time-series.
Period of the seasonal component, any positive real number.
Boolean indicating if the decomposition mode is multiplicative (TRUE).
bandwidth of trend filters.
polynomial order in local trend model.
kernel weights in objective function.
truncation type for symmetric filter.
Seasonal filter for B5, C5, D5.
seasonal filter for B10, C10, D10.
lower boundary used for outlier correction in irregular.
upper boundary used for outlier correction in irregular.
An object of the class 'JD3_X11PLUS', containg the decomposition and the parameters
q<-x11plus(rjd3toolkit::ABS$X0.2.09.10.M, 12)